5 Websites


This is a section dedicated to useful Danish Family History websites.  This list will be growing as people suggest great websites that they use.

The first section includes my toolbar info.  If explanations are needed see “Toolbar” on the main menu.

Here is a photo of my toolbar above.  Click on the toolbar to see it bigger.  With a click on these websites, one can save a lot of time researching from site to site to solve their family history mysteries.  One can drag these links below to your toolbar to make your own.


Arkivalieronline – se originale dokumenter på nettetArkaeliveronline

Censuses – Dansk Demografisk Database – Dansk Data ArkivDanskData

Record Seek RecordSeek

Type Danish characters – online Danish keyboard TypeDanish

Danish Family SearchDanishFamilySearch

AO genvejAok

My Danish Ancestors | A Step-by-Step Guide to UtilizingDanishAncestor

  1.  {{{link}}}   or https://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/Denmark_Online_Genealogy_Records (This is a great summary of many Danish websites.)

2.  Cyndi’s List – Denmark / Danmark

(This is another a great summary of a variety of  Danish websites.  This lists have similar sites but I like a lot of options when I research.)


3.  Denmark Genealogy links – over 100 links

4.  Denmark Census | Learn | FamilySearch.org/ This explains what the headings say on the different Danish Censuses.    This is a web-site in Danish (right click on Google and translate to English)  that explains a bit more about censuses.  It is a bit outdated but has some helpful facts.  http://wiki.dis-danmark.dk/index.php/Folket%C3%A6lling

This is a link to the United States Census Headings.  Many people emigrated from Denmark to the United States especially in the late 1800’s.  One way that I have been able to track people in the United States when I have the Danish birth date is by looking at World War 1 or 2 Military Enlistment for men.  Be sure to check who the closest living relative is to them.  It sometimes gives great clues.  Social Security Death Records have also been helpful.  Remember people don’t typically put specific parish places of birth.  It will be something like Copenhagen instead of Vor Frue Kirke.  


5. Denmark Parish Register Headings | Learn | FamilySearch.org (Explains what each year contains on the register heading of kirkebogers or church books.)


Here is the summary of the headings for the 1930 Danish census.  I couldn’t find a good link and a Dane from Genealogisk forum – Danish Family Search translated it for me.

1. Name of city or place and the estate’s number
2. Family’s number
3. Names of persons, who are present and who lives at the address
4. Address if the person permanently has another address (rarely used)
5a. Is the person present?
5b. If “nej” (no), the temporary address
6. Place of residence
7. Sex
8. Date of birth
9. Year of birth
10. Place of birth
11. Citizenship
12. Martial status
13. Situation in the family
14. Profession
15. Name and address of the employer
16. If deaf/dumb or blind?
17. Year of latest marriage
18. Number of living children in the marriage
19. Number of deceased children in the marriage
20. Not to be filled in (for official use only)

6.  Folketællinger (This tells the % of the censuses that are indexed so one knows the probability if one needs to search Arkivalieronline – se originale dokumenter på nettet.)



7.  MyHeritage Official Site – MyHeritage.com‎ and Denmark 1930 National Census – MyHeritageThis site has additional places to look for Danish records (birth/christenings, marriages, deaths) although my favorite thing is the 1930 Danish census.  It searches by exact birth dates so I can find out where people were living, their professions, and sometimes additional family members.  Use the arrowto see the explanation of the headings on the census (Given name, Family Name, Residence or address, Gender, birth date, place of birth, citizenship, marital status, position in family, profession, marriage year, additional information about how many children born, and how many are alive.)  I cut and paste the actual record using the Snippingtool  Snipping Tool and connect the 1930 census actual record  to the person’s profile in  FamilySearch.org  under “Create a New Source” then put “Where Citation is Found” = “see MyHeritage sources”.  I then go back to “Create a New Source”  and connect these references to  FamilySearch.org using Record Seek.    http://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-10181/denmark-1930-national-census  A new feature just started in about August 2016 that at the bottom of a source typically it will have a small icon that says “Connect to FamilySearch.”  This saves a lot of time. 

I do all this extra work, because anyone can see the actual record even if the website is down or they do not have a subscription to   MyHeritage Official Site – MyHeritage.com.


8. Denmark: Parish List | Learn | FamilySearch.org – This lists areas in Denmark and which parish they would belong to although these can change over time.  krabsen.dk is another site that can help find the parish.

Churches and parishes: http://www.korttilkirken.dk/index.htm

Estate numbers: http://www.korttilkirken.dk/alfabetiskEjerlav.htm

Historical maps of parishes and estates: http://www.korttilkirken.dk/herreder/AlfbHerred.htm


9.  Sogn.dk  This can help find streets/parishes, current parish information, and history of the parish.


10.  Danish Genealogical Word List – FamilySearch (26 page Danish genealogical dictionary)

Here is useful translator for special genealogy words between English and Scandinavian languages:http://nordgen.com/ordbok

http://stass.dk/dansk-engelske-gamle-ord/  Old Danish words translated into English


11.  What Did They Do? In Danish… – Store This is a book about translations from Danish to English for professions.  Professions are the most difficult item to translate on a census, birth record (father’s profession),  marriage record, and probate.  It doesn’t have every profession that I’ve found but is still useful.


12.  Registry to probate records: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/other/other-collection/31 (Even some recent in the 1980s)

Probate records, only in Danish (Amt = county, Arkiv = probate authority):  https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/geo/geo-collection/18


13.  : www.folketimidten.dk. A database covering the population census of the years of 1787, 1801, 1834 and 1845 respectively in Aarhus.


14.  Moveable Feast Day Calendar for: Denmark | Learn Many times in the Danish Church Records (typically in the 1700s) , a minister recorded the date of an event by the name of the Fixed or Moveable Feast Date which is based on the liturgical year (the church year) rather than the Julian or Gregorian date that we would recognize. To convert a Moveable Feast Day that you see in a record to a Julian or Gregorian date, choose the year that you are working in from the table listed in this website.


 15. www.laegdsruller.dk or https://www.sa.dk/brug-arkivet/laer/intro-laegdsruller,  http://www.laegdsruller.dk/index.php/sog-laegd, or Lægdsruller – Danish Family Search or Danish Military Levying Rolls (Lægdsruller) – FamilySearch (These records help track the movement of men.  They are military records that are taken to see what males are available in case of war.  It can have things like father/son relationships, dates of birth, personal appearance, or height.Lægdsruller can tell much about when and where a person moved from one parish (lægd) to another. Boys/men were in lægdsruller from around 1788 from their birth until they were 36 years, but only sons of parents outside the major towns and cities. In 1808 this was extended to 45 years of age.

From 1849 all boys came into lægdsruller, but now only from the year of their confirmation approx. 14-15 years old and until they were 38 years.

1869-1912 this was changed to 17 years of age, and in 1912 the period was 17-36 years of age. That is still the case, but they are only available until 1931. They will fairly soon be released until 1941.

More info about  laegdsruller.dk. It is in Danish, but here you can put in the birth year (in ind og ud af rullen hvornår) and find when a person was entered into roll and when he was dismissed. And in søg lægd you can enter the name of the parish and the birth year (or a year when you was certain that he lived in a certain lægd ) and then you will be presented with a link to the correct laegdsrulle. However there is also  ao.salldata.dk, as  it may be easier to navigate.

Link to inches – cm conversion: Right click on mouse to “Translate to English”  (Use this to convert inches to cm.  Once in centimeters, divide by 2.54 cm to change to English inches.  Then divide by 12 to get feet.)

Link to “when in and out of the laegdsrulle”
Enter birth year between 1752 and 1913
Link to “find laegd”
Enter parish/town and birth year between 1789 and 1931 (1789 or even up till 1792 because the laegdsruller started at that time)
16.  Here is a site that has many different photographers along with some of their work and backgrounds.   http://www.fotohistorie.com/noslashrmark-otto-nyborg.html 

Danish photographers: http://www.bornholmphoto.dk/bo1920/105.jpg

Graveyard photos: http://www.dk-gravsten.dk/viewpage.php?page_id=5

Parish/Church photos:  http://www.kirkefotos.dk/index.html

Current maps geological & street  Denmark Map – Nordic countries, Scandinavia – Mapcarta

17.  The Danish Emigration Archive

It covers only emigration from Denmark in the period 1869-1940, but only the period up to 1908 is yet in the database.

Consequently emigration from that part of Denmark which was under German rule 1864-1920 is not covered, i.e. the counties Haderslev, Aabenraa, Sønderborg and Tønder north of today’s border.

The register was written by the police in Copenhagen but covers all Denmark.

From the main page http://www.udvandrerarkivet.dk/udvandrerprotokollerne/  it is possible to choose English among many other languages.

Once here, you can search for person’s by filling in the form and choose “Start Search”.

When writing a person’s name you write the family name first followed by one or more first names. Example “Madsen, Viggo”.

Narrow your search by filling in as many boxes as possible, but be aware that you can also narrow too much to get a result.

Remember that names of person’s and places are often spelled in different ways and use your imagination. Kristensen may be Christensen etc.

If you know the year, but not a more precise date, you just write the year and nothing more.

There is an additional register with about 4000 people who emigrated in 1879-1887 via Hamburg, and are not covered by the ordinary register: http://www.ddd.dda.dk/vejlelister/soeg_udvandrede.asp

This register is only searchable in Danish (Name, Occupation, Parish, Year, ID-code).

Emigration from Denmark – An Introduction – Emigration and .

For Norway it is a little complicated, since you will have to look into many different sources and records. They are found here: http://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/en-gb/finn_kilde?s=&fra=&til=&ka%5B%5D=4&kt%5B%5D=EMIP&kt%5B%5D=UTVA&kt%5B%5D=PASS&kt%5B%5D=PALI

The most useful are probably those who start with “Emigranter over …”, they are indexed and searchable.

Also for Sweden emigration is distributed on many sources. Much has been scanned and can be found in ArkivDigital, but this requires payment for a chosen period: http://www.arkivdigital.net/

I have no knowledge of indexed sources.

18.  Specialty Sites-  Danish nobility: http://finnholbek.dk/genealogy/index.php

Biographies of Danish officers are found in this web-site in Danish: http://www.wadschier.dk/officerer-enheder-adelsvaelde-enevaelde/

Lost soldiers in WW1, including over 5.000 Danes from Schleswig-Holstein in the German army (only in German): http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/Verlustlisten_Erster_Weltkrieg/Projekt

Lost Danes who served in the German army in WW1: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/other/other-collection/2

Prison records: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/other/other-collection/57

Local courts until 1919 only in Danish (Amt = county, Arkiv = court authority): https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/geo/geo-collection/42

Priests until ca. 1860: http://wiberg-net.dk/

Emigrant lists: http://www.udvandrerarkivet.dk/udvandrerprotokollerne/


19.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/227983634018124/ Danish American Genealogy   Our purpose is to assist with research and provide connection for North Americans, particularly of Danish ancestry and those in the mother countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and North Germany. Please share what you are seeking about your ancestors, and we will try to help in your search.


20. Go to Genealogy forum       https://www.facebook.com/groups/genealogiskforum/  Genealogisk forum on Facebook – This has actual Danes or other people involved with Danish Family History helping you.  I try to be quite prepared with exact references and spent some time researching before I go here.  They are bright but want to see that some work has been before one takes their time.  Remember to right click and translate to English.

The text is from http://www.danishfamilysearch.dk/genealogiskforum. Genealogical Forum is a Danish genealogy group on Facebook. In Genealogisk forum you will find a very large group of Historisk- and genealogy interested people from all over the world. You find that many offer to help you find what you have difficulties. Interpretation of texts and ideas for how to proceed with just your ancestors, there is always competencies, offering help. The motto of the Genealogical Forum are: Genealogy wisely. This means that we focus on genealogy and related topics. There is room for everyone with an interest in just genealogy, history, source material and documentation, and life as it was lived in the past. In Genealogisk forum is no question of easy, too difficult, or too insignificant. All questions are of great value because they relate to a challenge you are holding right now. If you have something relevant at heart, then all input welcome. The aim is to share as much as possible because we all become better and wiser. Genealogy wisely also means that we always keep a neat and sober tone in the group. There is room for a cheerful note, and there is room for respectful attitudes about everything genealogy-related. If this appeals to you, so join in Genealogisk forum. You will be warmly welcomed. You will find us by clicking the image above or on the icon at the bottom. We look forward to meeting you, and good cooperation.
This is another unlabeled photo from Skaelskor.
Oluf Olsen, Son of Jens Olsen and Elise Ernstine Dorthea Jørgensen, Ole Jensen and Anne Marie Holgersdatter’s grandson, was a tram operator in København.

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